Friday, July 12, 2013

Tropic Snow Peaches

There has been a lot of planting in the Gardens of Casa Del Wray, this month.  Planted Crape Myrtles earlier this week and today I planted two beautiful peach trees from Home Depot.  They are about 8 feet tall and were only $59.95.  One is a Tropic Snow Peach tree, the other is a Sunraycer Nectarine tree.  Very happy with them and am looking forward to some juicy home grown peaches in the future.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lemon Meringue Mango

Lemon Meringue Mango seed sprouted.  This mango was really good.  Awesome flavor, non stringy with a beuatiful bright yellow color.  Probally the best mango I can remeber ever having.  Will take years before we see any fruit but so what...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Planted Fordhook Zucchini Seed

The two zucchini plants I purchased at Home Depot died within 2 days of being transplanted.  I think they were damaged from overwatering at Home Depot.  They had one replacement plant that looked ok but that was it.  So, I decided to plant seed.  The only heirloom seed I could find was Fordhook Zucchini from Burpee. 

Did research and most seem very pleased with this variety.  It is marketed as a space saving bush type plant with tender flesh and smooth skin.  Can't wait to try em.  Love Zucchini when it is small and tender...Picture is from internet.  My package was just $1.00.

Planted them where the tomatoes were.  I amended the soil and turned it all over.  Hopefully that will be enough for a heavy feeding plant such as this.  I will be fertilizing these and other plants with an organic fertilizer so it should be fine.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Harvested The Cuban Bananas

Actually harvested these about 4 days ago.  They are excellent!  Awesome flavor...Creamy banana flavor with a strong tangerine flavor mixed in.  The first bite is just so-so and then there is an explosion of flavor that keeps building.  Very complex flavor for a banana.

Cucumbers Plants Are Looking Great

Very happy with the growth so far from my Lemon cucumber plantings from Home Depot and my Marketmore 76 cucumbers planted from seed. 

First time I have planted them in a container this way.  Seems to be working well.  Much easier to control the moisture.  Should be less bugs as well.

Planted a Habanero Pepper

Planted a new Habanero Pepper from Home Depot Garden Center.  The previous Habanero is still living and has been left where it is, but it has never recovered from overwatering damage from months back. 

Now completes my pepper collection for the time being.  Now have Fajita Peppers (Mexi-Bell (Hybrid), Cubanelle, Poblano, Jalapeno, Anaheim Habanero, and Hot Banana Peppers.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Few More Plants Added and Cucumbers Planted

Replaced the mexi-bell pepper that had died with a poblano (my favorite pepper of all!) planted a second poblano, as well as, planted a dill weed plant.  All from Home Depot.

Also started a large container for cucumbers.  Planted a store bought (Home Depot) Lemon Cucumber.  Have never had it before.  Looking forward to trying it out.  It's an heirloom so will hopefully be harvesting seeds as well.  Also planted Marketmore 76 Cucumber seeds purchased at Home Depot.  Also an heirloom.