Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lemon Meringue Mango

Lemon Meringue Mango seed sprouted.  This mango was really good.  Awesome flavor, non stringy with a beuatiful bright yellow color.  Probally the best mango I can remeber ever having.  Will take years before we see any fruit but so what...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Planted Fordhook Zucchini Seed

The two zucchini plants I purchased at Home Depot died within 2 days of being transplanted.  I think they were damaged from overwatering at Home Depot.  They had one replacement plant that looked ok but that was it.  So, I decided to plant seed.  The only heirloom seed I could find was Fordhook Zucchini from Burpee. 

Did research and most seem very pleased with this variety.  It is marketed as a space saving bush type plant with tender flesh and smooth skin.  Can't wait to try em.  Love Zucchini when it is small and tender...Picture is from internet.  My package was just $1.00.

Planted them where the tomatoes were.  I amended the soil and turned it all over.  Hopefully that will be enough for a heavy feeding plant such as this.  I will be fertilizing these and other plants with an organic fertilizer so it should be fine.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Harvested The Cuban Bananas

Actually harvested these about 4 days ago.  They are excellent!  Awesome flavor...Creamy banana flavor with a strong tangerine flavor mixed in.  The first bite is just so-so and then there is an explosion of flavor that keeps building.  Very complex flavor for a banana.

Cucumbers Plants Are Looking Great

Very happy with the growth so far from my Lemon cucumber plantings from Home Depot and my Marketmore 76 cucumbers planted from seed. 

First time I have planted them in a container this way.  Seems to be working well.  Much easier to control the moisture.  Should be less bugs as well.

Planted a Habanero Pepper

Planted a new Habanero Pepper from Home Depot Garden Center.  The previous Habanero is still living and has been left where it is, but it has never recovered from overwatering damage from months back. 

Now completes my pepper collection for the time being.  Now have Fajita Peppers (Mexi-Bell (Hybrid), Cubanelle, Poblano, Jalapeno, Anaheim Habanero, and Hot Banana Peppers.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Few More Plants Added and Cucumbers Planted

Replaced the mexi-bell pepper that had died with a poblano (my favorite pepper of all!) planted a second poblano, as well as, planted a dill weed plant.  All from Home Depot.

Also started a large container for cucumbers.  Planted a store bought (Home Depot) Lemon Cucumber.  Have never had it before.  Looking forward to trying it out.  It's an heirloom so will hopefully be harvesting seeds as well.  Also planted Marketmore 76 Cucumber seeds purchased at Home Depot.  Also an heirloom.

Friday, May 4, 2012

End of Broccoli Season And More Summer Sowing

Pulled up all the Broccoli today.  Was a long Broccoli season this year.  The broccoli was excellent all season and there were no problems at all with growing.  None of the bugs we would occasionally find last year. 

Sowed Purple Hull Cowpeas in their place.  Should end up with lots of cowpeas.  The variety is suppossed to be much sweeter and more flavorable than blacked eyed peas and other varieties.  We'll see.  First time growing cowpeas, excited to see how they turn out.

Also planted much more Swiss Chard, as well as, Summer Crooked Neck Squash, and Serrano Peppers.

Garden space is officially full save for two access points.  Brussel Sprouts are still doing well and I hope they make it.  That will be the next space to become available but it may be too hot to plant anything at that time except more Okra.

All of the Watermelon and Old Tennesse Melon have sprouted and are looking good.

Monday, April 30, 2012



Good page showing how to properly air layer a tree branch.  Frankly, I had no idea this was how it was done.  Very easy and effective.  Looking forward to air layering a bunch of loquat branches as that thing is out of control.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Passion Fruit Vine (edible)

Passion fruit vine is doing really well. It has been about two months since planting. Can't wait to get fruit...

There's no such thing as fresh Passion fruit as it is dried out until the husk is a shriveled up thing...It is then that you can eat it.

Passion Fruit at the store is very expensive for a little bit.  $2.00 for each one and they are about the size of golfballs.

Cuban Bananas Almost Ready

I love these bananas.  One of the best tasting ever when properly ripe.  They need maybe one more week, two at most.  About 70 bananas on the bunch.

They taste like a sweet vanilla custard with a tinge of tanginess to them.

The plants are medium height and grow to a max height of approximately 12 feet if you measure to the end of the tallest leaf.

I have no idea what the actual name of this variety is.  I've just always known them to be called Cubans...

Kiwi's and Fig

Bought 2 Artic Kiwi's to replace the one that died and a Brown Turkey Fig to replace the one that died as well.

The Kiwi died due to inadequate watering which I am improving for the new ones.  The fig died because it had been planted in a mulchy kind of substrate when I bought it from Home Depot.  This over time diingrated leaving air pockets which allowed the roots to die.  In the future I will be removing the substrate before planting if it is similar to this mulch stuff and not real dirt.

Summer Garden planting

Finally got the summer veggies planted....3 Black Beauty Zucchini, 1 Butternut Squash (not sure whats gonna happen with that at this time of year) 2 fajita peppers, 1 hot banana pepper, 1 jalepeno, 1 cilantro, 1 Juliet tomato (grape type), 1 sun sugar hybrid tomato (cherry type that ripens in yellow, orange and red colors) and also planted bunch more tennesee melon and black watermelon seeds.

Cut back the yellow boy tomato that was looking sickly, not expecting much, but I am also not planning on putting anything else there. I will let it grow and see if it comes back.  Weeded, I need to keep up on that better and I need to put mulch down.  Now gonna start serrano seeds, eggplant, swiss chard, okra and squash.